• Web interviews

    Researchers and practitioners were interviewed on the topic of introduced tree species to European forests. For individual interviews, please visit Media ->Interviews.

  • Events

    Visit 'Events' for more information on conferences and policy events on the topic of introduced tree species.

  • School workshops

    We organise workshops for school children in order to transfer information regarding introduced tree species. These workshops comprise of presentations and creative sessions for children.

  • Book

    A book on the topic of 'Introduced tree species to European forests is being prepared as a part of the project In-Tree. It will be a compilation of chapters exploring various aspects of introduced tree species in the context of European forests.

  • Expert Exchanges

    As a part of the project In-Tree we facilitate for expert exchanges among various parties; e.g. practitioners, academics, policy makers, etc. The aim of the expert exchanges is to showcase a variety of management scenarios supported by knowledge and experiences from other regions.

Introduced tree species appear to be an important and, at the same time, a controversial topic in relation to forest and environmental management. The forest industry sees an opportunity in introducing tree species for timber production and for maintaining species composition within forests that may better cope with the changing climate. On the other hand, however, from the nature conservation perspective, introduced tree species may pose a loss of biodiversity and/or disturb native ecosystems.
In order to disseminate existing and scientific knowledge on introduced (and invasive) tree species in European forests, the project In-Tree was initiated. Although this project aims to produce various comprehensive informative materials available to policy makers, forest managers, researchers and public, the major deliverable is a book publication  on the topic of 'Introduced tree species to European forests: challenges and opportunities'.
This project is managed by European Forest Institute (EFI), specifically by the Central European Office EFICENT in Freiburg, Germany. The funding is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture:

 The history of some non-native tree species introductions to Europe



Our latest news

Feb 16, 2017 |
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For a comprehensive view on the topic of introduced tree species, the IN-TREE project issued a policy brief that was translated into 5 more languages beside English.

You can download the policy briefs here:

-EN-   -ES-   -FR-   -IT-   -RU-   -DE-

Dec 12, 2016 |
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46 participants from 12 countries, forest associations, the European Commission and NGOs attended a policy event in the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic in Brussels. They discussed the results of the “In-Tree project - Introduced tree species in European forests: opportunities and challenges”.
Nov 29, 2016 |
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The main project deliverable is now finalised and can be downloaded here.

For the political event in Brussels an IN-TREE policy brief was prepared.