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French-German seminar on neophytes in the biosphere reserve „Pfälzerwald-Nordvogesen”

On 5th of November around 120 participants met in the visitor centre of the biosphere reserve to discuss invasive plant species and their impact on local ecosystems.

Speakers from both countries illustrated different aspects of invasive plant species and their monitoring and management. Professor Gabrielle Thiébaut from Rennes Univeristy, France gave an introduction on definitions and relevant species with invasive potential. An inspiring presentation was given by Dr. Uta Eser (office for environmental ethics, Tübingen, Germany). She discussed the social perception of invasive and exotic species in nature protection history and the cultural projections onto invasive species. Dr. Franz Essl from Vienna University, Austria illuminated the global level of bio-invasion and the homogenisation of flora.

The event offered for IN-TREE team members a fruitful exchange with their advisory group member Dr. Franz Essl and further valuable contacts and inputs for the project.

View the complete programme here